Carnations Spray Carnations

Carnations Spray Carnations

Carnations and Mini Carnations....represent health and love

Carnations, Mini Carnations and Dianthus varieties are hardy, and long-lasting flower, plus, their ruffled, ball shape bloom makes for a super lush look!. 

A carnation bouquet makes the perfect gifts because they have one of the longest vase lives amongst our cut flowers.

Please, see our complete collection of :

 Bulk Carnation Single colors and wedding pack
✿ Bulk Mini Carnation single Colors and wedding pack
✿ Our Seasonal assorted packs
 Falls Assorted
✔ Winter Assorted
✔ Spring Assortment
✔ Valentne's Day Assorted
✔ Mother's Day Assorted

    Please, See the Care and Handling Video

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