Garden Roses

Garden Roses

Garden Roses

are Known for its ever so subtle fragrance, with numerous distinct varieties and tones available.

Often referred to as “the romantic wedding rose", or "England Roses" its nostalgic shape will create a striking statement and it looks like peonies!


 Single Stems (1 Stem with 1 Bloom)
✿ Spray  Stems (1 Stem 3 -5 Blooms)


    ✿ Chose the package according to your necessities
    ✿ Garden Roses open quickly for that reason we recommend to order 48 hours  before your event
    Garden Roses are delightfully scented and ruffled petals. (please, see the picture of the open process in order to do the best selection.

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    Please, Watch the Roses Care & Handling video

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