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Touched by the grace of God, three incredibly compassionate women, mothers, leaders and advocates have been blessed with the infinite love for their brethren, in particular for the innocent and those in need. Each dedicate their time and resources for the greater good.

Their drive and dedication to these foundations have touched our hearts. With singular determination, they are role models in our society today. Through example, determination and selfless dedication, they mentor those who share their mutual calling.

Between these three institutions, CASA, F.A.N.A., and Y.C.H.S., thousands of children have been and continue to, receive education and preparation for life’s journey. They leave everlasting imprints in the hearts of these children and families they touch. Facilitating the union of children to loving parents and watching them become families is their ultimate reward. Often they will catch a glimpse of how their efforts flourish through pictures and hearing about their progress as loving and successful adults. Every once in awhile, they are graced with the ultimate gift of love... those who return to the house as volunteers, sowing their seed of Love into each and every child and family they now touch in turn.

These women are today's modern angels, Maria Lopez Michelson de Escobar, Mercedes Rosario Pineda de Martinez and Angie Lee. Each of these women are well respected within society. They have paved the way for those who share their passion to continue their legacy.


Today, we proudly present their dreams, life’s works, and institutions. We are all but a tiny grain amongst the numerous families, friends and private corporations that are contributing to their cause.


Let's all join together and make a difference.


To Donate to the foundation please click on the picture and you will be redirected to the foundation's donation page.



“Every child deserves a happy home and every home in search of a child deserves a smile from God. Today, with all my heart I give thanks to La Casa de la Madre y el Nino for having given me the great gift of all, my family”
Maria Lopez Michelson de Escobar founder of CASA


“When a person plants its seed in our heart, that heart will beat in ours forever”,
Mercedes Rosario Pineda de Martinez founder of FANA
Watch FANA's 40th Anniversary Video here



  I am the voice of the voiceless” , Angie Lee, founder of YCHS